This application requires approximately two minutes to complete. Should you require any assistance feel free to contact us at 1-855-GARDIAN (1-855-427-3426).
Business Type: CorporationConsumer (non-business)ProprietorshipPartnershipLLPGovernmentNon-Profit
Legal Business Name:
Legal Consumer Name (if NOT a business):
Business Address (no P.O. Boxes):
Province (or State):
Postal Code (or Zip): Postal Code Look Up
Business Phone Number:
Business Fax Number:
Number of MONTHS business registered:
Industry Type/Nature of Business
Contact Person:
Email Address For Contact Person:
Best Phone Number For Contact:
Best Time of Day To Contact: MorningAfternoonEvening
If application is approved, what is the name of the person that will be signing the financing agreements on behalf of the company:
What is their title?
Will the asset location be the same as the above address YesNo
Asset Location Address (no P.O. Boxes):
Asset Location City:
Asset Location Province (or State):
Asset Location Postal Code (or Zip):Postal Code Look Up
Guardian Leasing can arrange a financing facility for all of your purchases in one simple Line-Of-Credit. Pay only for what you use with the balance available at a later date. You may fax or email us the equipment description (Quotes) from your proposed suppliers or complete the following section.
Equipment Description Cost (pre-tax) Supplier
1. $
2. $
3. $
4. $
5. $
Total Estimated Equipment Purchased (Pre-Tax): $
Used Vehicles/Transportation Assets: Please fax or email us the details from your supplier/dealer
Proposed Equipment Order Date:
Proposed Equipment Delivery (or Pick-Up) Date:
Important Notes From You To Us:
Secondary applicants are businesses or individuals that wish to assit the Primary Applicant by providing their credit information. These Secondary Applicants may be required to co-sign or guarantee the agreements.
Operating Name (if different than legal business name)
Postal Code (or Zip):
Industry Type/Nature of Business:
Contact Person Email Address:
Best Phone Number to Contact:
Best Time of Day to Contact: MorningAfternoonEvening
Legal Name (as shown on Drivers License or Passport):
Date of Birth
Home Street Address
Province (Or State):
Postal Code (Or Zip):Postal Code Look Up
Home Phone Number:
PERSONAL Email Address:
Do You Rent Or Own Home: RentOwn
Monthly Mortgage Payment:
House Value (If Applicable):
Names Of Individual(s) on Title:
1. Ownership %
2. Ownership %
3. Ownership %
Estimated Principal Outstanding On First Mortgage:
Lender On First Mortgage:
Approximate Renewal Date:
Estimated Principal Outstanding On Second Mortgage:
Lender On Second Mortgage
Gross (declared) Personal Income Last Year:
Gross Monthly Income (Currently):
Current Employer
Current Title (or Position):
Number Years Direct Industry Related Experience:
Monthly Rent Or Monthly Mortgage Payment:
Financed assets will require insurance.
For the purpose of reducing your insurance expenses, may we provide you with a competitive quote?
Thank you for completing our online application. We will do our best to provide you with the financing you require and a structure that exceeds your expectations.
In our continuing effort to provide our clients with important updates and premium services, please tell us how you found us:
Please choose...Internet Search - GoogleInternet Search - OtherEmail Received By GuardianPast CustomerSocial Media - TwitterSocial Media - FacebookSupplier - EquipmentSupplier - OtherAccountantLawyerFinancial Agent/BrokerReal Estate Agent/Broker
Is there a Guardian Representative that has assisted you or that you would prefer to use:
Guardian Representative's Name:
By clicking "SUBMIT" (below) all applicants (personal or commercial) or customers have fully read, understand and agree to ALL of the following terms and conditions: All of the above information entered in this application is true and correct. You are providing written instructions consenting to us or our designee (and any assignee, underwriter, funder or potential assignee thereof) obtaining credit information from sources provided by you (the applicants or customer) as well as any credit reporting agency and credit grantor. The applicant(s) or customer(s) agrees that credit information may be required in the future and thus consent to its full disclosure at any time. An electronic, photostat or facsimile copy of this authorization shall be valid as the original. By completing this application, all applicants affirm their identity as the respective individual (and/or company's representative with full signing authority to bind the company) as identified in this application. With respect to any financial service that Guardian Leasing Corp may provide, at no time will the applicant(s) or customer(s) agree to, accept or rely on, any verbal commitments of any kind from any source including Guardian Leasing Corp agents. All authorized Guardian Lending Corp. or (Underwriter, Funder, Lender, Mortgagee) commitments will be made in writing. Guardian Leasing Corp. is a financial broker. Guardian Lending Corp. will offer only residential financing or insurance services on a referral basis and should be in no way construed as being either a mortgage broker or insurance broker.
The collection, use and disclosure of Personal (or Business) Information for the purpose of credit adjudication by Guardian Leasing Corp. and/or its funders, assignees, underwriters, lessors, mortgagees in order to provide the applicant with the specific loan, mortgage, factoring or financing requested.
Guardian Leasing Corp. and/or its funders, assignees, underwriters, mortgagees to obtain credit information including consumer/commercial reports from consumer/commercial reporting agencies, financial institutions and any other references, provided by the applicant(s) in connection with this application. A facsimile or electronic signature shall be accepted as an original execution.
Guardian Leasing Corp using Social Insurance Numbers provided as an aid to identify you with the consumer credit reporting agency and/or funders, assignees, underwriters, mortgagees for credit history file matching purposes.
Guardian Lending Corp. and/or its funders. assignees, underwriters, lessors, mortgagees to disclose Personal (or Business) Information in connection with the proposed financing to Guardian Lending Corp. subsidiary companies, funders, credit reporting agency or other parties that the applicant may have financial dealings.
Guardian Lending Corp. using the information provided to promote our services to you.
I/We (applicants) agree that I/we have read, fully understand and agree to all of the terms and conditions contained in this application and furthermore have read the Guardian Lending Corp "Privacy Policy" as well as The Guardian Lending Corp. "Terms of Use" and agree to all terms prior to clicking "submit". To review the Privacy Policy simply click here "Privacy Policy". To review our Terms of Use click here "Terms of Use". Avoid selecting the 'back button' on your computer or mobile device in the event that your application information may not be saved.
NOTE:You must agree to our terms and conditions in order to submit This application. Should you disagree with any of our terms do not submit the application. Speak to a Guardian Lending Corp representative for further details at 1-855-GARDIAN. If you leave this page, the application information entered will not be saved.
Should you require any assistance in completing this online application simply call Guardian Lending for assistance at 1-855-GARDIAN. After submitting this transaction we will confirm with you via automatic email that we have received the application and have begun working towards a decision.
The Guardian Lending Team